Thursday, August 27, 2020
Business Law for Asset Management Ltd-
Question: Talk about theBusiness Law for Asset Management Ltd. Answer: Realities In this agreement Barry needed to purchase the shop a products of the soil shop from Angelo. Angelo made an offer which expressed that the shop was incredibly gainful with a month to month turnover of $20,000, it was likewise expressed in the offer that there were no rivals in the shopping town. The month to month costs which were proclaimed by Angelo were $8000. The offer which Barry made to purchase the shop was a whole of $200,000. A van and furthermore a loader was remembered for the agreement. However, it was discovered that Barry needed to confront difficult issues. Those issues were that the shopping town had rivalry, the salary was lesser than the sum which was really expressed in the offer. The conveyance van was additionally repossessed as it was rented by the businessperson, substitution of the loader was completely required. Issue The agreement which was made among Angelo and Barry can be revoked? Applicable Rule Australia and United Kingdom both of these nations remember the custom-based law standards for their lawful framework. According to those regular laws a contact is substantial just if certain segments are available in it like offer acknowledgment, thought and there is no vitiating factors like deception. The presence of a proposal just as an acknowledgment settles on up an understanding. The acknowledgment referenced which makes up the base of the business ought not be corrupted. It requires genuine assent, such an assent is accomplished coming up short on any sort of pressure, extortion, inappropriate impact or any kind of deception. In the event that any of the referenced segments are available in an agreement, at that point such an agreement is void and the gatherings won't be committed by its terms. Some specific demonstrations may likewise be structure by the court now and again. The offer which was framed to the network can be endorsed by any person. This law was pronounced if there should arise an occurrence of Carlill v Carbolic Smoke Ball Company[1]. By the by, it was expressed if there should be an occurrence of Hyde v Wrench that in the event that an offer was made in light of another, at that point it would edge towards the disposal of the offer, yet in addition the modification of the conditions referenced in the first offer. Along these lines, such an offer required to be acknowledged by the individual who made the first offer. The bogus portrayal of the realities gave towards the gathering in an agreement is expressed to be a deception. Such a deception requires the accompanying segments so as to make any agreement void where Such an assertion accomplishing assent of the agreement and is an off-base proclamations of the represented realities. In the event that the previously mentioned parts are available in the agreement is void. Careless, a mix-up or extortion are different sorts of deception. The distortion where the person who offers the expression is proficient that this announcement is bogus and still backings it then it is expressed to be a false deception. It edges nearer to the acknowledgment of such the offer or results in the other individual creation the offer. On account of Smith v Land House Property Corp (1884)[2], the candidate brought a lodging, the vender who sold it expressed that one of the inhabitants present in the inn as generally attractive. The merchant was additionally mindful of the way that the inhabitant was in obligations and furthermore the edge of being bankrupt. It was expressed to be an announcement of the realities instead of conviction on the grounds that the dealer was in a circumstance to know the realities. Be that as it may, the court excused such an intrigue. If there should arise an occurrence of Esso Petroleum v Mardon such a circumstance was likewise observed to be r evamped. Various techniques to fix are available in an agreement where the endorsement is accomplished by the deceitful distortion, for example, Reimbursement in Whittington v Seale-Hayne[3] and downturn of agreement in Doyle v Olby Ironmongers ltd[4] Application On account of Carlill v Carbolic Smoke Ball Company, the offer which was set up by Angelo for people in general, may be affirmed by any person. By and by, an offer was made to balance the prior proposal by Barry. Along these lines, the first offer made before was supposed to be invalid as referenced on account of Hyde v Wrench. The term of cost of offer was the main term which was extraordinary. In this manner, Angelo had endorsed the offer, and the first terms which were expressed in that offer were all the while working aside from the cost. In this manner, the conditions that were expressed by Angelo yet formed a bit in the agreement. It was in regards to the announcement in which no contenders were available, then the announcement made according to the salary of the foods grown from the ground store would in any case hold a part in this agreement. It was found by Barry that the salary every month is a lot of lower that the pay referenced in the first offer, contenders also were available as a close by basic food item shop who was selling organic products just as vegetables. As Angelo was focused on the matter of selling foods grown from the ground in the zone, it was justifiable that Angelo is proficient of reality that there was a close by contender and furthermore with respect to the information of the month to month salary. Such depictions prompted the development of the counter-offer by Barry. Along these lines, under such a condition the understanding was obtained over deception. If there should arise an occurrence of Smith v Land House Property Corp, obviously any such agreement will be mindful to be void. Other deceitful deceptions which are made with respect to the loader and the conveyance van, and this likewise brought about this agreement to get void. End Hence, the legitimacy of the agreement may have been addressed by Barry, in respects of the responsibilities made by Angelo. As Angelo made fake distortion this agreement is supposed to be void. As per customary law decisions the agreement is announced void. Various arrangements, for example, remuneration or harms were accessible to Barry and Angelo as a vender had damaged his duties in understanding to custom-based law. Significant Issue To see if or not there was an infringement of the agreement through Angelo, under such conditions Barry would not like to make this agreement void much subsequent to confronting issues with respect to deception. Rules As per the law, the agreement is viewed as damaged if the lawful terms are not seen to be kept the gatherings towards the agreement. According to the judgment put forth in the defense of Ecay v Godfrey [1947], the infringement of the agreement is done or not, requires the investigation of the non went along terms which are available are really the terms which are at first referenced in the contract[5]. It is expressed that the individual has the option to drop the agreement, too has the option to guarantee for the harms which showed up on account of the nearness of deception, as referenced on account of Smith New Court Securities v Scrimgeour Vickers[6]. An individual not having the ownership of the property or the title on the products while moving such merchandise to other gathering it won't make a deal which is legitimate in light of the fact that the vender won't have the title of the merchandise, under such conditions this deal is supposed to be invalid. This judgment was taken from the instance of Car Universal Finance v Caldwell[7]. The arrangement with respect to the offer of the merchandise where the buyers are said not to be included is administered through the arrangements referenced in the Sale of Goods Act. In agreement to s. 19, it has been pronounced that appropriate obligations are required to be determined to the merchant for the nature of the items which should be of a moderate norm. This segment demonstrates that arrangements with respect to the nature of the products are required to be inferred into an agreement for the offer of the merchandise. This alludes despite the fact that the nature of such merchandise are not deliberately recognized by either parties in the agreement, at that point it is supposed to be an authoritative term. Through the arrangements which are referenced in the precedent-based law a couple inferred terms are believed to be available in the agreement. A term is required to be participated in the agreement for giving the required business viability towards the agreement, comparable judgment was proclaimed on account of Liverpool City Council v Irwin [1997][8]. If there should arise an occurrence of Addis v Gramophone[9], it is pronounced through the court that if legally binding contradictions are occurring, in such a case the bothered party may be made up for fixing the pre-authoritative positions. Applicaton As indicated by the above inquiry, it is seen that Angelo was at risk for the careless distortion. In this manner, by the applications referenced for the situation Smith New Court Securities v Scrimgeour Vickers it is proclaimed that in light of deception Barry reserved the privilege to guarantee for the harms as a result of the infringement. In the interim, Angelo didn't have the ownership of the conveyance van as it was taken on rent by the past proprietor. The conveyance van was additionally remembered for the agreement and was remembered for the deal too. Angelo couldn't sell the van as it doesn't have a place with him and in this manner he had disregarded authoritative terms as referenced on account of Car Universal Finance v Caldwell. Angelo don't comply with the arrangements under s. 19 the nature of the merchandise which were given by him were of no decent as the loader was seen as broken and thus was of no utilization to Barry. Subsequently, as a segment of the agreement the court reestablishes the previous situation of Barry End A case can be made by Barry corresponding to the infringement of the agreement and the harms. References Addis v Gramophone Co Ltd [1909] AC 488 Vehicle and Universal Finance Co Ltd v Caldwell [1965] 1 QB 525 Carlill v Carbolic Smoke Ball Company [1892] EWCA Civ 1 Doyle v Olby (Ironmongers) Ltd [1969] 2 QB 158 Ecay v Godfrey [1947] Liverpool City Council v Irwin [1976] UKHL 1 Smith New Court Ltd v Scrimgeour Vickers (Asset Management) Ltd [1996] UKHL 3 Smith v Land and House Property Corporation (1884) LR 28 Ch D 7 Whittington v Seale-Hayne (
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Plato vs. Aristotle Essay Example for Free
Plato versus Aristotle Essay Various specialists in present day time see Plato as the main real political thinker and Aristotle as the primary political researcher. They were both incredible scholars concerning, to some extent with Socrates, being the establishment of the extraordinary western thinkers. Plato and Aristotle each had thoughts in how to continue with improving the general public where they were a piece of during their reality. It is fundamental in this way to investigate their diverse hypothetical methodologies with respect to their philosophical points of view, for example, morals and brain research. This paper anyway will for the most part focus on Aristotles sees on companionship and how it impacts todays society. The primary target in Platos reasoning is a formation of an ideal society. He builds an establishment for an idealistic culture in his book The Republic. The motivation behind his manner of thinking was to rinse his general public of the misfortunes he felt tormented it and develop another one. Plato lived during the Peloponnesian War, which thusly lead as far as possible of the Athenian vote based system. He had onlooker record of his tutors (Socrates) preliminary and execution. Harsh and rankled by the political defilement that held the Athenian fair government, he withdrew from taking an interest in legislative issues. He firmly felt that neither an ethical individual nor an express that is balanced could be set up in a vote based condition. Plato felt that the basic man wasnt clever or fit for managing ideas that impact the state, for example, financial aspects, approach of remote undertakings and other relative issues. He saw political officeholders in Athens government as being chosen for issues that were unessential to fundamental factors that influenced the state. Another threat was that exorbitant freedom for the individuals of the popularity based society might prompt political agitation. In Platos impeccable society, he moved forward to dispose of the illness (pluralism of companionship) that tormented the human character and society (Class Notes). Basically, Plato needed to set up the ideal type of society, connected by one single substance. Aristotle, in contrast to Plato, was not engaged or worried about the possibility of an ideal society, rather he needed to enhance the one that he was a piece of during his reality. As opposed to build up a structure for a general public that is great, he proposed that society should, in it self, endeavor to use the best framework it can achieve. He felt that perfect world was unique and shallow. It wouldnt take into consideration practical critical thinking arrangements. He felt that Platos perspective on an exacting update of society as a rule wasnt fundamental. He accepted that society was at its ideal and you can just enhance the current one. Platos immaculate society would comprise of three essential gatherings, which are Guardians (Gold), Auxiliaries (Silver), and the Artisan (Bronze). The most elevated of these classes are the gold individuals, which comprise of rulers and non-rulers. Those that are rulers are societys choice arrangement creators and non-rulers involve levels of government employees. The essential to turning into an authentic savant is to know about structures, hence empowering you to know reality. Platos hypothesis of the structures is halfway coherent and part otherworldly. Outfitted with reality, he accepted that philosophical ruler will consistently settle on the correct choice, and rule with all out insight, equity and righteousness. The rulers, he felt, wouldnt gangs any cash or property, they would be liberated from wants, overabundances, and indecencies. The Auxiliaries (Silver) are individuals of solidarity, mental fortitude, and military limit; they involve a little part of society. All assistants would be exposed to a progression of tests, which will check their forces of protection from personal responsibility, joy and different enticements. The last level, Artisan (Bronze), are the laborers which may be made out of ranchers and craftsman, basically non-gifted specialists. They would create all the consumable and non-consumable merchandise considered important for utilization and the proceeded with monetary suitability of the general public. Plato entire heartedly felt that if at any point the bronze or iron individuals rule the state would crumple (Class Notes). He looked to build up the idea of the gold class having insight, consequently they ought to be astute and acceptable rulers. It was basic that the individuals who rule be scholars and gifted in territories that related to the enthusiasm of the state. Aristotles couldn't help contradicting Plato with respect to permitting one specific class to oversee the state politically for inconclusive timeframe. He felt that to not permit connection among the different classes would repress the individuals who groups the capacity to take part in political life, a bad form. He feels Platos structure of classes is politically inaccurate for the state. He cites It is a further protest that he denies his Guardians even of bliss, keeping up that satisfaction of the entire state which ought to be the object of enactment, at last he is expressing that the individuals who rule (Guardians), penance their joy for control and outright force. The individuals who are of the gold class, lead such an inflexible life, that it will get important to force the equivalent exacting lifestyle on those being administered. He puts the possibility of balance on a high platform. Numerous people come to support the idea of balance since it is adaptable, part liberal and part moderate. Platos perfect society is so hard to consider that Aristotle accepts that no person can accomplish its simple necessities. He chose to communicate in the Republic how men should direct it self in an ideal society and what demeanor they should gangs. By and large, Aristotle felt by utilizing certifiable experience alongside genuine individuals, he can see direct how and what way would he be able to improve society. Plato and Aristotle both concurred on equity and saw it unbiasedly; that is it controls the conviction an existence of positive outlook would be accommodated all individuals regardless of their positioning in the public arena. Aristotles states In vote based systems, for instance, equity is considered to mean fairness, no governments, again disparity in the dissemination of office to thought about just. Plato sees the possibility of law and equity as what sets the standard for societys conduct in a state. Aristotle puts accentuation on the organization of the polis or humanized network. The polis was organized to permit the normal individual in the public arena to take an interest in political issues. This institutional gathering isn't the city-state or the network, yet simply the bigger of the two substances. It is somewhat an organization between family units, tribes, and towns for a completely created and independent life. The polis empowers those people who normally forces moral keenness and intelligence a chance to ascend to higher positions (Class Notes). Equity is the political acceptable inside the polis, and it must advance the normal enthusiasm of the individuals of the state. What is viewed as acceptable must be dispersed and directed all through the state. The law is likewise the directing variable that emerges from equivalent and free individuals in common establishment. The prosperity of a general public is exclusively founded on the association between the exertion wherein the residents of the state stick to the tradition that must be adhered to. A productive member of society of the state will groups judiciousness, balance, and equity, or more all to manage and be dominated. His conviction negates Plato hypothesis of one controlling class, administering the political issues and choices that impact the state. The Theory of Democracy that Aristotle states is that vote based system is a corruption type of administration of nation (Class Notes). He plainly expresses The individuals everywhere ought to be sovereign instead of the couple of best. Plato then again, wouldnt grant residents to take part in open support concerning administrative issues, as Aristotle would have delighted in. Plato likewise felt that open decisions of objection and endorsement depended on enthusiastic conviction, rather than real information. He accepts that if an upheaval happened it would occurred inside the passages of the castle, henceforth royal residence unrest. This kind of insurgency happens when there is a transmission of intensity starting with one holder of intensity then onto the next. Aristotle sees such an occasion happening between the rich and less lucky in the public arena. He feels to forestall such activities, one must take an interest in them. Plato feels that in a perfect world a disappointed gathering of Guardians will rise and withdraw themselves from the decision law of the state. He feels that a government two things may start a potential upset: the first is the ruler and their posterity would develop to be frail, thoughtful, and second is that the quantity of poor people will become bigger and there for be exploited by the decision class. Aristotle expresses that to know the components that caused the insurgency, which crushes the constitution, is to likewise know the head of impact, which thusly guarantee its protection. Aristotle and Plato likewise have differentiating sees on morals, brain research and mysticism. With respect to morals, Aristotle accepts that ethicalness is fundamental for joy, while Plato says prudence is sufficient for satisfaction. The mental distinction between the two is that Plato feels the body is a jail for the spirit; body and soul are two unique elements, equipped for keeping up autonomy from each other. With respect to Aristotle, he asserts that the body and soul are two distinct things, one comprising of issue the other structure. He sees everything known to mankind being made out of issue and structure, so its not astounding that he sees person are as well. To him structure is essentially the manner in which matter is orchestrated. For instance, a feline is created in a catlike way; that is the thing that makes a feline. Person so far as that is concerned, have a one of a kind technique for structure, as well; that is their structure. Truth be told, Aristotle emphatically feels that nothing in presence can be without structure and matter. On the off chance that you dispense with its structure and structure you don't have anything
Friday, August 21, 2020
Adroit SSD Review Efficient Economic Web Hosting
Adroit SSD Review Efficient Economic Web Hosting Make Money Online Queries? Struggling To Get Traffic To Your Blog? Sign Up On (HBB) Forum Now!Adroit SSD Review: Efficient Economic Web HostingUpdated On 02/12/2017Author : HBB Editorial StaffTopic : Web HostingShort URL : CONNECT WITH HBB ON SOCIAL MEDIA Follow @HellBoundBlogAre you a WordPress user who owns a site? You do own one, and thatâs the obvious reason why you are over here. Being a WordPress user, you might have been fed up with trying different hosts, so are you looking for a perfect hosting which is going to fulfill all your needs?So today we are going to talk about one such hosting company, Adroit SSD.This is a competitive world where a new web hosting company pops up every day, so we canât easily trust anyone, but the only company on whom we can blindly trust upon is, Adroit SSD.What Your Website Needs?Before you go ahead and purchase a hosting, here are a couple of questions which you should be asking yourself.Currently how much traffic does your website get daily, do you expect any hike shortly?What sort of support are you looking for from a web hosting company?How much budget youâve got to spend on web hosting?So these are the most important questions to ask yourself before you purchase any hosting. Now let us talk about Adroit SSD which is going to fulfill all your needs.Adroit SSD Features1. Cloud Linux: Dedicated resource and isolated data guaranteed with all hosting plans.2. Lightning Fast: Speed Maters on your search engine ranking, there we come to meet your demand.3. 100% Network Uptime: Tier 4 Data Center and Terabit Connectivity ensure that you will enjoy network uptime that is the best in the industry.4. Real-time Protection: Built-in antivirus and suspicious activity monitoring with all accounts5. Free Backup: All hosting plans include 100% automated free backup on our highly redundant NAS Vault.6.Enterprise SSD: Lightning fast enterprise SSD disk technology ensures maximum performance and data redun dancy with SAN.How did everything get started?It all started back then in the year 2011, and now at the present AdroitSSD are the top most leading company to provide cloud SSD hosting. Their main aim is to provide top quality services to the customers, that too at affordable costs. 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There are a lot of SSL from which you can buy from such as Comodo Essential SSL, Comodo Instant SSL, Comodo Positive SSL, Geo Trust QuickSSL Premium, etc.,.SupportCustomer support plays a really important role when it comes to hosting, and AdroitSSD provides itâs the best. I would rate the hosting 9 out of 10, it is that good.You get different types of customer support such as email, ticket support and calls as well. The customer support people are well trained and experienced as well so that they can tackle any problems.ConclusionIf you are looking out for hosting which is both, affordable and reliable as well, then AdroitSSD is the best one for you. Though the hosting plans which are offered come with low pricing, there is not compromise on the quality which they provide. All in all, AdroidSSD is way better when compared to the other hosting services out there which claim to be the best.
Monday, May 25, 2020
The Function of the Chorus in Henry V Essay - 1663 Words
The Function of the Chorus in Henry V O for a muse of fire, The Chorus introduces the start of Henry V with imagery of flames and war. Shakespeare uses the Chorus to initiate the play and summarise each act to the audience before the next one begins. He is merely a tool to avoid the audience getting too confused. The function for the chorus is merely a practical one, by summarising the plot at every available opportunity; there is little chance for confusion, even if the audience do have to use their imagination. But, we must ask ourselves, if this was Shakespeares only reason for including the Chorus, why does he not use a similar device in his other plays? Surely in all of his playsâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦At the start of Act 4, the Chorus depicts the growing tension on the battlefield as fire faces fire. Both sides are full of courage, patriotism and rage. Another type of imagery the Chorus uses to venerate King Henry and the English army is comparison with characters from Roman mythology. They compare King Harry to Mars, the Roman God of war. They are comparing the King to the best warrior of Roman Mythology; there is no possible greater praise. Mars was also often symbolised by fire, which links back to the Choruss use of fiery imagery to portray bravery and courage. The English population are depicted as English Mercuries. Mercury was the Roman messenger God, famed for his speed and reliability, by contrasting the English to this God is also remarkable praise. Because it is clearly impossible to bring a whole war onstage, Shakespeare uses the Chorus to get the audience to picture the mighty war. However, he does not get the Chorus to merely paint the picture, he uses them to idealise the idea of conflict so that the audiences ideas are built up strongly, and they are expecting a play about glorified combat. The Chorus asks the audience to imagine great things onstage, for example they ask the audience to visualize horses with proud hoofs, they are not just hoofs, but Proud hoofs showing the emphasis on magnificence. WhenShow MoreRelatedEssay Functions of the Chorus in Shakespeares Henry V2783 Words à |à 12 PagesFunctions of the Chorus in Shakespeares Henry V In Shakespeares Henry V, the chorus plays a prominent role. There are few other plays written by Shakespeare that include a chorus, however in no other play does the chorus have such an important role. The principal purpose of the chorus is that of story telling. The chorus acts as a guide for the audience, narrating parts that wouldnt fit into the action of the play. 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Thursday, May 14, 2020
Human Nature In Lord Of The Flies Essay - 1552 Words
William Golding is heavily influenced by his service to the royal navy and the events of World War One. ââ¬Å"Human beings are savage by its nature, and are moved by urges toward brutality and dominance over othersâ⬠. This is a recurring issue in William Goldingââ¬â¢s, Lord Of The Flies. Not only where characters demonstrate elements of human nature beyond civilized human beings as they were struggling in a society with no rules nor civilization, but also as the novel is Goldingââ¬â¢s attempt to trace the defects of society back to the defects of human nature. The world is an evil place within which living without fear would be a dream come true. The fear inside the boys had a major negative impact on the dramatic change of human natureâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Actions like the painted faces which symbolizes savagery, as the author mentioned, ââ¬Å"The mask was a thing on its own behind which Jack hid, liberated from shame and self-consciousness.â⬠(4.69). Init ially, the paintââ¬â¢s motive was to camouflage himself from the pigs, but later he felt that the paint sanctioned him to hide the evil and dark thoughts in his mind, in which his visages would otherwise betray. In addition of the paint, he lost his fear of killing living organisms, so he started enjoying killing and it did not take a long time for the boys to notice that Jack is more powerful and a better overall leader. Due to his influential position as a chief, many of the young boys joined his tribe, and he gained encouragement to commit murder and thievery, as it said, ââ¬Å"This role is no game for him, though; by the night of simonââ¬â¢s death, Jack has clearly gone power, mad, sitting at the pig roast on a large log â⬠painted and garlandedâ⬠¦ like an idol (9.149)â⬠¦ chattered in his ear like an apeâ⬠(9.150). This shows that the consequences of vile acts of human nature can have an earnest and fatal result towards society where there are no possible ways to stop those consequences. At the same time, Ralphââ¬â¢s fear of being isolated on the island was rapidly developed especially when his negative personality started to emerge. However, Ralph was introduced as a kind boy whose respectful characterShow MoreRelatedLord Of The Flies Human Nature Essay822 Words à |à 4 PagesAlexis Wilson Ms.Tantlinger Honors English 10 2 January 2018 Final Essay Human nature is altered when there are no consequences. In the novel Lord of the Flies there are young boys stranded on an island, In order to survive the true characteristics of man come out. Some characters appear to be born angelic however some are naturally born evil. When a young boy named Roger murders a boy and rapes a pig there are no consequences. Rogers lack of remorse is then exacerbated when tossing a pebbleRead MoreHuman Nature In Lord Of The Flies Essay1230 Words à |à 5 PagesHuman nature is the ââ¬Å"general psychological characteristics, feelings, and behavioral traits of humankindâ⬠. Between the Book, Lord of the flies and The Crucible, human nature is strongly portrayed through similar characters such as Simon and Mary Warren, Satan/Devil and the Beast, and Jack and Abigail. Simon and Mary Warren both share their wise and kind traits and being bringers of truth, while Satan/Devil and the Beast share the characteristic of exotic and the unknown, both a re also able to bringRead MoreLord of the Flies (Human Nature Essay)869 Words à |à 4 PagesHuman Nature in Lord of the Flies In the novel, Lord of the Flies, William Golding is able to use his outstanding writing abilities utilizing metaphors, symbolism, and other literary devices to establish a hidden message throughout the novel. The hidden message that Golding builds on is that there is a natural evil inside every human being, which is suppressed in an organized society through laws, rules, and punishment. The young boys in the novel are on an island all by themselves. There is noRead More Lord of the Flies and Human Nature Essay708 Words à |à 3 PagesLord of the Flies and Human Nature Throughout Lord of the Flies, Golding shows his views of the inherent evil of humans. He shows how humans can be in such a savage state, practically mimicking the way of life of their prehistoric ancestors. He exemplifies this with acts of carnage carried on by the young stranded children. It all started with a slight urge to hunt down a pig and then continued on to murdering another human being. Golding shows his views best at the end of the book with the boysRead MoreHuman Nature In Lord Of The Flies Essay1136 Words à |à 5 Pages Human nature is often described as the distinguishing of characteristics, including ways of thinking, feeling, and acting, which humans tend to have naturally. William Goldingââ¬â¢s book. ââ¬Å"Lord of the fliesâ⬠is an excellent novel that describes how humans, when put in a rough environment, react to power they are given. The title of the book ââ¬Å"Lord of the Fliesâ⬠refers to the Boars head idol that was surrounded by flies was later created by the boy. The title also represents the fall of the boyââ¬â¢sRead MoreEssay on How Lord of the Flies Related to Aspects of Human Nature1397 Words à |à 6 PagesWilliam Goldings novel Lord of the Flies not only provides a profound insight into human nature but also does so in a way that is remarkable for its use of shock and horror. Golding presents aspects of human nature as themes in the book. It alerts us to our potential to descend from order to chaos, good to evil, civilization to savagery. They are explored through how innate evil can be brought out in certain situations, the dangers in not addressing our own fears and the battle between civilizationRead MoreHuman Nature in William Goldings Lord of the Flies Essay531 Words à |à 3 Pagesdefects of human nature. The moral is that the shape of a society must depend on the ethical nature of the individual and not on any political system however apparently logical or respectable.â⬠With this quote, William Golding simply justifies the theme and moral presented in his novel, Lord of the Flies. The characters portray a modern society and depict the cruelty of human disposition. The political system in the U.S., as a whole, is a prime example of the ignorance towards ethical nature and is definitelyRead More Human Nature in Lord of the Flies by William Go lding Essay3078 Words à |à 13 PagesLord of the Flies is an extraordinarily well-written novel that teaches one how to live life. When asked about the philosophy of the book, the author, William Golding, replied, The theme is an attempt to trace the defects of society back to the defects of human nature. The moral is that the shape of a society must depend on the ethical nature of the individual and not on any political system however apparently logical or respectful. This completely exemplifies the theme of the novel. Lord ofRead MoreEssay on Human Nature in William Goldingà ´s Lord of the Flies686 Words à |à 3 PagesIn Lord of the Flies, a 20th century novel written by William Golding, countless issues are portrayed; however the essential nature of humankind is, perhaps, the most recurring. From the moment we meet the boys after they land on the island, it is obvious that this fundamental issue will play out through the entire length of the novel, and, as it progresses, the deeper Golding will delve into mankindââ¬â¢s true nature. Shown through the loss of innocence, social skills, and order, the nature of humankindRead MoreLord of the Flies: World War IIs Impact Essay1064 Words à |à 5 PagesLord of the Flies: World War IIââ¬â¢s Impact Lord of the Flies by William Golding was influenced strongly by his experiences as a naval officer during World War II. Goldingââ¬â¢s wartime service gave him a darker and more realistic look on life, and contributed to the novelââ¬â¢s imagery. As Golding described, World War II woke him up from his falsified beliefs about human nature by showing him the true human condition (ââ¬Å"Lord of the Flies,â⬠Novels 175). Lord of the Flies, as Golding explained, is ââ¬Å"an attempt
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
William Shakespeare s Prospero Of The Tempest - 1747 Words
On the very face of it, it might be hard to think how Prospero of The Tempest would be William Shakespeare, or even to imagine that this play is a set of symbols and metaphors that provides an allegory for which is to express this play. The research into the argument of Prospero reflecting Shakespeare has made a valid discourse, because it is based on the extending the premise that all of Shakespeareââ¬â¢s works are to some degree associated with his own life. This idea that using symbols to somehow have meaning outside of the play begs the inevitable questions, who is Caliban identified with then? Who is Ariel? What metaphor is the island referencing? I think this idea is placing the premise of the play into an ill-fated understanding of the play, which is to mistake this play as an autobiography, which is not the kind of writing that Shakespearean scholars will tell you, that he wrote. To accept the premise of this ridiculous argument is to accept the ridiculous premise that Shakespeare did not write his own works. There are certain links between the author of The Tempest and the protagonist of The Tempest, in terms of the works that they do. To suggest that these links are an account of Shakespeareââ¬â¢s, or any writer for that matter is doing around this period. Writers were not known to write stories about their own lives in this period, and the life of the author was not an interesting thing for them to write about. This idea of w riting about your own life gained literaryShow MoreRelatedThe Tempest By William Shakespeare1705 Words à |à 7 PagesLiterature Mr. Nath 5 December 2014 The Tempest Written between 1610 and 1611, The Tempest by William Shakespeare is the final play penned by the famous Bard. The play portrays the illusory struggle of power and conscience through the character of Prospero and his egocentric motives. Politically, the play can be seen as an analysis of important political issues relevant to that of oppression and imperialistic tendencies of the time. Artistically, The Tempest emphasizes the nature of art, more prominentlyRead MoreDefinition And Discussion On Romances961 Words à |à 4 Pages DEFINITION AND DISCUSSION ON ââ¬Å"ROMANCESâ⬠AND SUMMARY ON ââ¬Å"THE TEMPESTâ⬠ââ¬Æ' DEFINITION In present English the word ââ¬Å"romanceâ⬠are derivative from Old French romanz can mean moreover a medieval story structure or a love affair, or, yet again, another story about a love affair, usually one of a rather idealized or idyllic type, from time to time marked by unexpected or strange incidents and progresses; and ââ¬Å"to romanceâ⬠has derive to mean ââ¬Å"to create up a story that has no link with reality.â⬠(EncyclopediaRead More Aime Cesaires A Tempest Clarifies Shakespeares The Tempest1683 Words à |à 7 PagesCesaires A Tempest Clarifies Shakespeares The Tempest à à à à Negritude, originally a literary and ideological movement of French-speaking black intellectuals, reflects an important and comprehensive reaction to the colonial situation of European colonization (Carlberg).à This movement, which influenced Africans as well as blacks around the world, specifically rejects the political, social, and moral domination of the West.à à Leopold Senghor, Leon Damas, and Aime Cesaire are the three pioneersRead MoreWorld Events Influencing Shakespeareà ¨s The Tempest Essay example1277 Words à |à 6 Pagesââ¬Å"Whatââ¬â¢s past is Prologueâ⬠ââ¬â William Shakespeare Shakespeare lived and produced much of his famous works during the time when Queen Elizabeth ruled England and Ireland. This era was known as the Elizabethan Era. The world and its people were quickly evolving. It was the ââ¬Å"golden ageâ⬠of poetry, music and literature. It was in the midst of European exploration that Shakespeare wrote, The Tempest. It would be safe to suggest that many of the worldly events during this time, such as the shipwreck ofRead MoreAnalysis Of Shakespeare s The Tempest 2603 Words à |à 11 PagesDrama When many people think of William Shakespeare, they think of plays like Romeo and Juliet, Macbeth or Hamlet. One of the most influential plays written by Shakespeare is not one listed above. The play that reflects the life and all of Shakespeare?s plays is The Tempest. This work was and still is influential in both America, Britain and around the world. Although William Shakespeare was an influential writer in American and British literature, The Tempest reaches beyond a comparison to theRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s The Tempest1267 Words à |à 6 PagesDuring the Enlightenment Era, William Shakespeareââ¬â¢s writing were a form of social commentary on the English Government. Endorsed by the king, Shakespeareââ¬â¢s works told tales of tragedy and whimsy, incorporating both fiction and nonfiction elements. One trademark of Shakespeare s plays were the subtle allusions to the concurrent events in the English government. This is evident in his well known and final play, The T empest. The story of The Tempest tells the tale of Prospero, a fallen duke forced to liveRead More tempcolon Confronting Colonialism and Imperialism in Aime Cesaires A Tempest1403 Words à |à 6 PagesColonialism in A Tempest à à à A Tempest by Aime Cesaire is an attempt to confront and rewrite the idea of colonialism as presented in Shakespeareââ¬â¢s The Tempest.à He is successful at this attempt by changing the point of view of the story.à Cesaire transforms the characters and transposes the scenes to reveal Shakespeareââ¬â¢s Prospero as the exploitative European power and Caliban and Ariel as the exploited natives.à Cesaireââ¬â¢s A Tempest is an effective response to Shakespeareââ¬â¢s The Tempest because heRead More Conflict and Harmony in The Tempest Essay1390 Words à |à 6 PagesConflict and Harmony in The Tempest à à à William Shakespeare describes a utopic world saturated with supernatural images and ideas which works to create the mysterious island where The Tempest takes place.à This is one of Shakespeares best examples of how a natural harmony reveals itself through the actions of discourse and confusion.à To illustrate this idea best one must examine the historical context upon which The Tempest is based.à Because this play was published in the early 1600sRead MoreEssay Comparing The Tempest and King Lear1338 Words à |à 6 PagesComparing The Tempest and King Lear à à à à This essay will focus on the similarities and differences of the plays The Tempest and King Lear in general, as well as looking at comparisons of Prospero and Lear in somewhat more detail. Prospero and Lear are, without a doubt, the two most compelling mature figures in Shakespeare. In a way, one is the flip side, so to speak, of the other. Each represents an aging mans relationship to family, environment, and, most importantly, himself. One mightRead More Prospero in William Shakespeares The Tempest Essay1246 Words à |à 5 PagesProspero in William Shakespeares The Tempest Prospero has long been read as one of Shakespeareââ¬â¢s most cherished and provocative protagonists. His timeless role in ââ¬Å"The Tempestâ⬠has provided readers and critics with insights into many attributes of Shakespeare as a man, his works, and the political views that are personified in his play. The historical context of ââ¬Å"The Tempestâ⬠is one that convincingly conveys the political views of the English people of his time, relating to the colonization
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
ICT Services Management - Free Samples - Myassignmenthelp.Com
Questions: Discuss the following question. 1. Alan Turing and the Ace computer.2. A Brief History of Google's Android Operating System.3. The next Evolution of the Internet Is Changing Everything.4. Point-to-Point Communications.5. The Great Cyber heist.6. Technology Trends.7. A brief history of Facebook.8. Data mining at supermarkets.9. How M-Pesa changed banking in Africa. (Monks, 2017).10. Drawbacks of Information systems and technology. Answers: 1. Alan Turing and the Ace computer Ward, M. (5 February 2010). Alan Turing and the Ace computer. Alan Turing and the Ace computer. Automated computing Engine was the earliest electronic stored program planned by Alan Turing. He was competent in engineering of the theoretical computer which could formalize the idea of the algorithm and the computation which can be identified as general purpose machine. He is considered to be the father of the artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence may look like the realm of the science fiction but one might be surprised to discover that we have been using it. Virtual Personal Assistance is most intelligent digital personal assistants being used in every day operating system thus helping in gathering of useful information and also interacts with the systems one can interact with them using voices to get such directions. They are also important since they collect user information and store it and then make use of that information in recognition of the user speech as programmed by its user. Microsoft launched Contana as AI which continues learning users requirements and give assistance where required. The other artificial intelligence which is widely used is gaming they are adapting to user character which learns user behaviors and also respond to the stimuli and then responds to unpredictable ways. Other technologies invented such as smart cars, Google self-driven cars are good example of the smart cars. The car is able scan the road ahead of it hence interpreting information on what have seen thus helping to learn the process. Such technologies are being used on the road predicting these technologies will soon be implemented. 2. A Brief History of Google's Android Operating System Brachmann, S. (November 26, 2014). History of Googles Android Operating System. A Brief History of Googles Android Operating System. Android operating systems was not initially designed and programmed to be used mobile phones they were meant to be used in cameras as compared to other operating system on mobile platforms android has been upgraded in number of times while resulting into a web based service which has a huge comparison as compared to other operating systems. The idea of implementing android operating system in the digital cameras which could access computer services thus the team noted that they will be low demand of such kind of cameras thus the team decided to focus on the mobiles phones. Android have gone a huge and tremendous step forward when it availed the open hand set Alliance which is a consortium of technology manufacture to work together in creating an open source mobile devices. Android operating system which used to power computing devices from mobile phone to huge work station are mostly targeted and also keeps in updating on a regular intervals which enables to fix error and other technical challenges thus improving user experiences. Its quite clear that the android will remain unbeaten at the moment since it is a low cost services and it is user friendly which is attractive and compatible to the hardware makers and the operators. 3. The next Evolution of the Internet Is Changing Everything Evans, D. (April 2011). The Internet of Things. How the Next Evolution of the Internet. The article describes the emergence of internet and changes of modern devices. We feel better when the internet makes our lives more interesting while using smart home devices. Majority of these plug-in gadgets comes integrated with Wi-Fi capabilities with other companion applications thus making a streamlined life. Home automation or the Internet of Things most of our devices and other appliances are networked together in order to provide a seam less control over all aspects of homes and business. The idea of home automation has been there in a decade in areas of lighting, security features and other simple appliances. In the recent technology and the growth of internet idea of inter connecting devices and having full control of our homes from anywhere without necessary being there since the automation dictates what a particular device should responds in a certain manner as scheduled. Schedules are made according to our preferences hence providing conveniences, control and resources controls and the best part having smart home. The automation can also make alert of events which are key while there is absences of person such leaking water or eruption of electricity malfunction. The owner only requires to take out a smart phones are makes query desired settings of the house or report to the authority in case of emergency. In the automated home it is more convenience since each and every device and appliances are controlled remotely with or with absence of the user. There is safety since the system provides security while safeguarding homes devices such as IP cameras will make alerts in case of a possible leakage. 4. Point-to-Point Communications SHeldom, T. (2012). Point to Point Communication. Point to Point Communication (TCPIP). Point- to- Point connection is the one of the widely used types of the WAN connections, they are used to connect LANs to service providers and also connect LAN segments in an entity network. Its also referred to as serial connection since the serial connection is dedicated to be used by the company. This is normally done when a connection is done in between the internet service provider and while one desires to make multiple connections on the network thus the connection made or established in such connection is a Point to Point Protocol. PPP is also widely used on satellites, fiber-optic lines and the twisted pair transmission of the data. It also allows one to authenticate connections while using pre shared key. It has the following components one it has a method of encapsulating multiple protocol datagrams thus multiple network layer are simultaneously transported on the same link hence enabling compatibility of most supporting network devices. Two it uses the Link Control Protoco l which is used to propel communication over a PPP link. Every link sends packets in order to be configured and also examine data link while the link is propelled the node may be verified by authorization. Last but not the list once the link has been established the Network Control Protocol is used to inaugurate and configured single or multiple layer protocol will be used to initiate connection. 5. The Great Cyber heist VERINI, J. (NOV. 10, 2010). The Great Cyberheist. New york Magazine. A night in July 2003 at mid night the N.Y.P.D detective in the streets of the Manhattan as they were investigating a series of car theft, surprisingly a suspicious looking entered ATM room and withdrew hundreds of dollars in cash, on the same time he pulled another ATM card and did the same again multiple times while the detective around noted the man was not stealing cars but stealing something. Later the guy confessed that he had programmed multiple blank debit cards comprising of stolen card numbers and he has been withdrawing a much as possible from each account. The guy was wearing womans wig but after being interrogated he politely confessed the truth he is Albert Gonzalez. After a number of interviews by the federal he agreed that he will help the government rather than facing prosecutions. The agents won his trust and decided to pay his bills while waiting for Gonzalez to work though his withdrawal of cybercrimes. Gonzalez worked with the federal for several years and was able together with his crew of hackers illegally gain access to more than one hundred and fifty million payment card accounts from the customers databases and other corporations in the United State of America. During his sentences hearing in the mid-march, Gonzalez received a two con current twenty years jail term which is the longest sentence ever handed down to American for a cyber-crime. 6. Technology Trends Patrick, A. (2017). Technology Trends. Technology Trends. Social media has offered new ways of intra enterprise communication which are beneficial of creativity and the innovation of technology globally. Most of the enterprises use online social networks among clients who desegregate business interest and other important activities within the business. Companies are heavily implementing social networks to promote and collaborate to their employees. Other companies are starting to educate their stakeholders on clouding computing and SaaS, while vendors are using these trending technologies to reach most of the companies. These technologies they are added to enterprise on the social networks platforms. Then the technologies in place are being implemented in order for employees to collaborate and share ideas on how to improve the work place. Firm are using social networks in order to exchange information and data to other shareholders in the company such as trading documents done on real time. Majority of the companies have adopted social networking while creating their internal networking sites thus encouraging employees to use these platforms to either connect to other employees enabling them to solve work related issues. Social networks sites such as Facebook, Twitter are used by companies in order to get more clients based on their likes and the preferences since every companies want to gain trust to their customers. 7. A brief history of Facebook Phillips, S. (2007). A brief history of Facebook. The Gurdian Journal. Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg while he studying psychology at Havard University, He had developed multiple of social networks websites for collage mates such as Course match which allowed student who are undertaking degrees would they could match and rate peoples attractiveness. Within the next day more than thousands students had signed up and within the course of the month half of the undergraduate had created a profile. The network spread to the next Universities such as Boston University, Ivy League and spread across other universities of the US.In the year 2005 it became and its address was purchased. By the end of September it had already started to spread worldwide reaching UK Universities and by the end of 2006 the network had grown even beyond educational institutions. Facebook remained free and anyone who has a registered email or mobile phone number could join. The sites make profits via advertising revenue and it has incorporated features such as gifts and offers free classified adverts. Today Facebook have more than Thirty billion registered users which makes it the largest social networking site for education and business purpose. With this huge number of registered users companies uses these platforms for brand awareness business on Facebook gains more exposure to clients which drive them to rate a particular product, reviewing thus increase online visits. 8. Data mining at supermarkets Alex, J. (2017). Data mining at supermarkets. Fresh Plaza. Super markets mostly use data mining and other business intelligence in action. Supermarkets use loyalty cards to the customers which are used to gather compressive information about particular customer for use in data mining. The supermarkets developers establish rules in to predict the customer way of purchasing such as fashions and electronics thus by looking the contents of the purchases of the customers in the troy or the baskets they can identify products which he or she uses and they can start to begin targeting promotions for the extra products to the customers. Depending on the purchase of the target customer firm start sending promotion coupons to the client and create awareness of the particular product in the store. In order for a business to stay competitive they therefor requires viable customer retention strategy and since the key success of the developed strategy rest with customer relation, business requires to identify the most profitable ways to build and maintain customer in toes. In order to achieve this implementing a data mining techniques in the business can help understand customer shopping behavior while retaining esteemed customers. In conclusion collection of data together with other social economic data supermarkets are able to make evidence based decisions when devising market operations strategies. 9. How M-Pesa changed banking in Africa.(Monks, 2017) Monks, K. (2017). How M-Pesa changed banking in Africa . Market Place Africa. In year 2003 Nick Hughes worker at Vodafone as the head of social enterprise made a proposal to deliver a financial service over mobile phone. The idea was to be implemented in a service provider in East Africa known as Safaricom which has 0.4 per cent stake to Vodafone. He got funding from UK department for International Development to venture with one million pounds of which was matched by Vodafone in terms of cash and staff time. He worked with East Africa people and financial experts in figuring the needs of the people in this particular area. In order to manage and work efficiently on the ground he en corporate Susie Lonie who had a know-how on mobile commerce in Europe, she exercised a small scale pilot to improve micro finance loan granting and repayment. Mpesa Application was invented in 2007 with a target of more than 30000 user in the first year the decision was wise since having subscribers using Mpesa could hardly leave Safaricom thus bonding the customers. Ideally Kenyans who received loans could send to their families miles away and to ease this mobile money transfer would be efficient. Mpesa is one of the revolutions that has widely employed and empowered millions of individual around the globe. Mpesa have enhanced customer in daily lives. 10. Drawbacks of Information systems and technology Anonymus. (2017). Drawbacks of Information systems and technology. OPINIONS ON THE WORLD OF INFORMATION SYSTEMS. The core factor of information systems is providing information to the right people at the right time. Information system should be in place to track, store, manipulate and so to specific people. Through use of information system can contribute to high opportunities to the firms on their daily transactions giving them un upper hand whereas on the other side can result to a group of individuals jobless since most of work forces are automated such as mechanic works. With the growth of the technology tasks which were performed on hands are carried by the computers systems, thus industry personnel argues that internet has made job security challenge because technology keeps on improving each and every day. On the other information systems has raised security issues concerning online hackers who get into corporate and organization and manipulate information. Implantation of the information systems becomes another challenge to firms because they require good amount of resources such a softwares, supporting technicians, and hardwares. Workers needs to be trained on how to use the new system thus incurring other expenses to the organization. In conclusion by understanding the pros and cons of the information systems it can results effort should be put in place to make the advantages much better than the negative impacts can results in the business world and society.
Friday, April 10, 2020
Africa- a Look from A White mans Binoculars essays
Africa- a Look from A White mans Binoculars essays It is the God given duty of the white men to civilize and christianize the primitive, under privileged and uncivilized population of the rest of the world; this is a very common phrase used in the history books to explain the European intervention into other continents and island nations. The African continent was also a victim of British conquerance but the British called it its protectorate. Did they really perform their duty or were they there to exploit the resources? There have been a lot of explanations about how Africa is perceived by the rest of the world, let alone the western world. To account for the whole world will be unrealistic and unrelated to this assignment so I will just focus on the western world. Africa has always been associated with words such as primitive, barbaric, savage and uncivilized. The negative portrayal has largely been a result of how western media covers the African news. Africa has always been referred to as a Dark Continent. The history of Africa and its people is depicted in the western world as nothing but a self proclaimed tribal owned land, which had a lot of wealth that the primitive people had no idea how to utilize. Similar had been the history of other countries prior to European intervention, for example American Samoa, Fiji Islands, New Zealand and Australia; but the image of these countries is quite favorable. According to ABCs Ted Koppel, half a million Ethiopians dying doesnt provoke the same response as would the deaths of half a million Italians (Hultman). Maybe Americans and Europeans are more concerned with countries where their economic interests lie. The colonists went to Africa, exploited their resources, took slaves and came back to their countries; but for the Africans the history of their country is not so simple. Why is there a separation between blacks and...
Monday, March 9, 2020
Biography of Manfred von Richthofen, The Red Baron
Biography of Manfred von Richthofen, The Red Baron Baron Manfred von Richthofen (May 2, 1892ââ¬âApril 21, 1918), also known as the Red Baron, was only involved in World War Is air war for 18 months- but he shot down 80 planes in that time, an extraordinary feat considering that most fighter pilots achieved a handful of victories before being shot down themselves. Fast Facts: Manfred Albrecht von Richthofen (the Red Baron) Known For:à Winning the Blue Max for downing 80 enemy planes in World War I.Born: May 2, 1892, in Kleinburg, Lower Silesia (Poland)Parents: Major Albrecht Freiherr von Richthofen and Kunigunde von Schickfuss und Neudorff.Died: April 21, 1918, Somme Valley, France.Education: Wahlstatt Cadet School in Berlin, Senior Cadet Academy at Lichterfelde, Berlin War Academy.Spouse: None.Children: None. World War I was a bloody war, fought in muddy trenches and overwhelmed with slaughter. Yet a few soldiers escaped this anonymous end: fighter pilots. They volunteered to fly when just going up in an airplane seemed heroic, given the odds. Baron Manfred von Richthofen, who liked to fly in a blazing red airplane and shoot down plane after plane. His achievements made him both a hero and a propaganda tool. With 80 credited victories, Baron Manfred von Richthofen, the Red Baron, defied the odds and became a legend in the air. Early Life Manfred Albrecht von Richthofen was born on May 2, 1892, in Kleiburg near Breslau of Lower Silesia (now Poland), the second child and first son of Albrecht Freiherr von Richthofen and Kunigunde von Schickfuss und Neudorff. (Freiherr is equivalent to Baron in ENglish). Manfred had had one sister (Ilsa) and two younger brothers (Lothar and Karl Bolko).à The Richthofens came from a long line that could be traced back to the sixteenth century. Many in the family raised merino sheep and farmed on their lands in Silesia. In 1896, the family moved to a villa in the nearby town of Schweidnitz. There, his Uncle Alexander, who had hunted in Africa, Asia, and Europe, fired in Manfred a passion for hunting. Even before Manfred was born, Albrecht von Richthofen had decided that his first son would follow in his footsteps and join the military. Albrecht himself had become one of the first Richthofens to become a career military officer. Unfortunately, a daring rescue to save several other soldiers who had fallen into the icy Oder River had left Albrecht deaf and with an early retirement. Manfred did follow in his fathers footsteps. At age eleven, Manfred entered the Wahlstatt cadet school in Berlin. Though he disliked the schools rigid discipline and received poor grades, Manfred excelled at athletics and gymnastics. After six years at Wahlstatt, Manfred graduated to the Senior Cadet Academy at Lichterfelde which he found more likable. After completing a course at the Berlin War Academy, Manfred joined the cavalry. In 1912, Manfred, after having been commissioned as Leutnant (lieutenant), was stationed in Militsch (now Milicz, Poland). In the summer of 1914, World War I began. To the Air When the war began, Manfred von Richthofen was 22 years old and stationed on Germanys eastern border, but was soon transferred to the west. During the charge into Belgium and France, Manfreds cavalry regiment was attached to the infantry for whom Manfred conducted reconnaissance patrols. However, when Germanys advance was halted outside of Paris and both sides dug in, the need for cavalry was eliminated. A man sitting on horseback had no place in the trenches. Manfred was transferred to the Signal Corps where he laid telephone wire and delivered dispatches. Frustrated with life near the trenches, Richthofen looked up. Though he didnt know which planes fought for Germany and which ones fought for their enemies, he knew that airplanes - and not the cavalry - now flew the reconnaissance missions. Yet becoming a pilot took months of training, probably longer than the war would last. So instead of flight school, Richthofen requested to be transferred to the Air Service to become an observer. In May 1915, Richthofen traveled to Cologne for the observer training program at the No. 7 Air Replacement Station. Even though Richthofen didnt have to fly the airplane, he still had to go up in one. Richthofen Gets Airborne At seven oclock the next morning I was to fly for the first time as an observer. Naturally, I was very excited, because I could not imagine what it would be like. Everyone I asked told me something different. The night before I had gone to bed earlier than usual to be fresh for the great moment next morning. We drove to the airfield and I sat in an airplane for the first time. The blast of wind from the propeller disturbed me greatly. It was impossible to make myself heard by the pilot. Everything flew away from me. If I took a piece of paper out, it disappeared. My flying helmet slipped off, my muffler loosened too much, and my jacket was not buttoned securely - in short, I was miserable. Before I knew what was happening, the pilot got the engine up to full speed and the machine began rolling, faster and faster. I hung on frantically. Then the shaking stopped and we were in the air. The ground slipped away beneath us. During this first flight, Richthofen lost the sense of his location and thus was unable to give the pilot directions. So they landed. Richthofen continued to study and learn. He was taught how to read a map, drop bombs, locate enemy troops, and draw pictures while still in the air. Richthofen passed observer training and was then sent to the eastern front to report enemy troop movements. After several months of flying as an observer in the East, Manfred was told to report to the Mail Pigeon Detachment, the code name for a new, secret unit that was to bomb England. Richthofen had his first air fight on September 1, 1915. He went up with pilot Lieutenant Georg Zeumer, and for the first time, spotted an enemy aircraft in the air. Richthofen had only a rifle with him and though he tried several times to hit the other plane, he failed to bring it down. A few days later, Richthofen went up again, this time with pilot Lieutenant Osteroth. Armed with a machine gun, Richthofen fired at the enemy plane. Then the gun became jammed. Once Richthofen unjammed the gun, he fired again. The plane started to spiral and eventually crashed. Richthofen was elated. However, when he went back to headquarters to report his victory, he was informed that kills in enemy lines did not count. Meeting His Hero On October 1, 1915, Richthofen was on board a train heading for Metz. After entering the dining car, he found an empty seat, sat down, and then noticed a familiar face at another table. Richthofen introduced himself and found that he was talking to the famous fighter pilot Lieutenant Oswald Boelcke. Frustrated at his own failed attempts to shoot down another plane, Richthofen asked Boelcke, Tell me honestly, how do you really do it? Boelcke laughed and then replied, Good heavens, it indeed is quite simple. I fly in as close as I can, take good aim, shoot, and then he falls down.2 Though Boelcke hadnt given Richthofen the answer he had hoped for, a seed of an idea was planted. Richthofen realized that the new, single seated Fokker fighter (Eindecker) - the one that Boelcke flew - was much easier to shoot from. However, he would need to be a pilot to ride and shoot from one of those. Richthofen then decided he would learn to work the stick himself.3 Richthofen asked his friend Zeumer to teach him to fly. After many lessons, Zeumer decided Richthofen was ready for his first solo flight on October 10, 1915. Richthofens First Solo Flight There are few moments in life that produce as nervous a sensation as the first solo flight. Zeumer, my teacher, announced to me one afternoon: You are ready to fly alone. I must say that I would rather have answered: I am too afraid. But this could never come from a defender of the fatherland. Therefore, good or bad, I had to swallow my cowardice and sit in the machine. . . . The engine started with a roar. I gave it the gas and the machine began to pick up speed, and suddenly I could not help but notice that I was really flying. Suddenly it was no longer an anxious feeling, but, rather, one of daring. Now it was all up to me. No matter what happened, I was no longer frightened. Richthofen, after much determination and perseverance, finally passed all three of the fighter pilot examinations. On December 25, 1915, he was awarded his pilots certificate. Richthofen spent the next several weeks with the 2nd Fighting Squadron near Verdun. Though Richthofen saw several enemy planes and even shot one down, he wasnt credited with any kills because the plane went down in enemy territory with no witnesses. The 2nd Fighting Squadron was then sent to the East to drop bombs on the Russian front. Collecting Two-Inch Silver Trophies On a return trip from Turkey in August 1916,à Oswald Boelckeà stopped to visit with his brother Wilhelm, Richthofens commander. Besides a brotherly visit, Boelcke was scouting for pilots that had talent. After discussing the search with his brother, Boelcke invited Richthofen and one other pilot to join his new group called Jagdstaffel 2 (hunting squadron) in Lagnicourt, France. Jagdstaffel 2 Suddenly in the early morning there was a knock at the door and before me stood the great man with the Pour le Mà ©rite. I really did not know what he wanted of me. To be sure, I knew him . . . but it did not occur to me that he had sought me out to invite me to become a pupil of his. I could have hugged him when he asked whether I wanted to go to the Somme with him. By September 8, 1916, Richthofen and the other pilots that had been invited to join Boelckes Jagdstaffel 2 (often abbreviated to Jasta) had arrived in Lagnicourt. Boelcke then taught them all he had learned about fighting in the air. On September 17, it was Richthofens first chance to fly a combat patrol in a squadron led by Boelcke. On Combat Patrolà We were all beginners; none of us had previously been credited with a success. Whatever Boelcke told us was taken as gospel. We knew that in the last few days he had shot down at least one Englishman a day, and many times two every morning. . . . We approached the enemy squadron slowly, but it could no longer escape us. We were between the Front and the enemy. If he wanted to go back, he would have to go by us. We counted seven enemy airplanes, and opposed them with only five. . . . The Englishman near me was a big, dark-colored barge. I did not ponder long and took aim at him. He shot and I shot, but we both missed. The fight then began. I tried to get behind him because I could only shoot in the direction I was flying. This was not necessary for him, as his observers rotating machine gun could reach all sides. But this fellow was no beginner, for he knew very well that the moment I succeeded in getting behind him, his last hour would be sounded. At the time I did not have the convi ction I have now that he must fall, but, rather, I was much more anxious to see if he would fall, and that is a significant difference. . . .Then, suddenly, his propeller turned no more. Hit! The engine was probably shot to pieces, and he would have to land near our lines. Reaching his own positions was out of the question. I noticed the machine swaying from side to side; something was not quite right with the pilot. Also, the observer was not to be seen, his machine gun pointed unattended up in the air. I had no doubt hit him also, and he must have been lying on the floor of the fuselage. The enemy airplane landed in German territory and Richthofen, extremely excited about his first kill, landed his airplane next to his enemys. The observer, Lieutenant T. Rees, was already dead and the pilot, L. B. F. Morris died on the way to the hospital. It was Richthofens first credited victory. It had become customary to present engraved beer mugs to pilots after their first kill. This gave Richthofen an idea. To celebrate each of his victories, he would order himself a two-inch-high silver trophy from a jeweler in Berlin. On his first cup was engraved, 1 VICKERS 2 17.9.16. Theà first numberà reflected what number kill; the word represented what kind of airplane; the third item represented the number of crew on board; and the fourth was the date of the victory (day, month, year). Later, Richthofen decided to make every tenth victory cup twice as large as the others. As with many pilots, to remember his kills, Richthofen became an avid souvenir collector. After shooting down an enemy aircraft, Richthofen would land near it or drive to find the wreckage after the battle and take something from the plane. A few of his souvenirs included a machine gun, bits of the propeller, even an engine. But most popularly, Richthofen removed the fabric serial numbers from the aircraft. He would carefully pack these souvenirs up and send them home to be placed in his room. In the beginning, each new kill held a thrill. Later in the war, however, Richthofens number of kills had a sobering effect. When it was time to order his 61st silver trophy, the jeweler in Berlin informed him that because of the scarcity of metal, he would have to make it out of ersatz (substitute) metal. At that time, Richthofen decided to end his trophy collecting. His last trophy was for his 60th victory. An End to Trophy Collecting On October 28, 1916, Boelcke, Richthofens mentor, went into the air as he had on most other days. However, during an aerial battle, a horrible accident occurred. While trying to evade an enemy, Boelcke and Lieutenant Erwin Bà ¶hmes plane grazed each other. Though it was only a touch, Boelckes plane was damaged. While his plane was rushing toward the ground, Boelcke tried to keep control. Then one of his wings snapped off. Boelcke was killed on impact. The news that this famous flyer had died affected the morale of Germany. Boelcke had been their hero and now he was gone. Germany was saddened but wanted a new hero. Richthofen continued to make kills, making his seventh and eighth kill in early November. After his ninth kill, Richthofen expected to receive Germanys highest award for bravery, the Pour le Mà ©rite. Unfortunately, the criteria had recently changed, and instead of nine downed enemy aircraft, a fighter pilot would receive the honor after sixteen victories. Richthofens continued kills were drawing attention to him. Though he was now considered a flying ace, he was still among several who had comparable kill records. Richthofen wanted to distinguish himself. Though several other flyers had painted different sections of their planes special colors, Richthofen noticed that it was difficult to see these during a battle. To get noticed, from the ground and from the air, Richthofen decided to paint his plane bright red. Ever since Boelcke had painted the nose of his plane red, the color had been associated with his squadron. However, no one had yet been so ostentatious as to paint their entire plane such a bright color. The Color Red One day, for no particular reason, I got the idea to paint my crate glaring red. After that, absolutely everyone knew my red bird. If fact, even my opponents were not completely unaware. Richthofen understated the colors effect on his enemies. To many, the bright red plane seemed to make a good target. It was rumored that the British had put a price on the head of the red planes pilot. Yet when the plane and pilot continued to shoot down airplanes and continued itself to stay in the air, the bright red plane caused respect and fear. The enemy created nicknames for Richthofen:à Le Petit Rouge, the Red Devil, the Red Falcon,à Le Diable Rouge, the Jolly Red Baron, the Bloody Baron, and the Red Baron. However, the Germans never called Richthofen the Red Baron; instead, they called himà der rà ¶te Kampffliegerà (The Red Battle Flier). Though Richthofen had become a great hunter on the ground, he was constantly perfecting his game in the air. After achieving sixteen victories, Richthofen was awarded the Pour le Mà ©rite on January 12, 1917. Two days later, Richthofen was given command ofà Jagdstaffel 11. Now he was not only to fly and fight but to train others to do so. The Flying Circus April 1917 was Bloody April. After several months of rain and cold, the weather changed and pilots from both sides again went up into the air. The Germans had the advantage in both location and aircraft; the British had the disadvantage and lost many, many men. In April, Richthofen shot down 21 enemy aircraft bringing his total up to 52. He had finally broken Boelckes record (40 victories), making Richthofen the new ace of aces. Richthofen was a hero. Postcards were printed with his image and stories of his prowess abounded. Yet heroes in war dont necessarily last long. Any day, the hero might not come home. The war planners wanted to protect the German hero; thus ordered rest for Richthofen. Leaving his brother Lothar in charge ofà Jasta 11à (Lothar had also proven himself a great fighter pilot), Richthofen left May 1, 1917, to visit Kaiser Wilhelm II. He talked to many of the top generals, spoke to youth groups, and socialized with others. Though he was a hero and received a heros welcome, Richthofen just wanted to spend time at home. On May 19, 1917, he was again home. During this time off, the war planners and propagandists had asked Richthofen to write his memoirs, later published asà Der rote Kampffliegerà (The Red Battle-Flyer). By mid-June, Richthofen was back withà Jasta 11. The structure of the air squadrons changed in June 1917. On June 24, 1917, it was announced that Jastas 4, 6, 10, and 11 were to join together into a large formation calledà Jagdgeschwader Ià (Fighter Wing 1) and Richthofen was to be the commander. J.G. 1 came to be known as The Flying Circus. Things were going magnificently for Richthofen until a serious accident in early July. While attacking several pusher planes, Richthofen was shot. Richthofen Is Shot Suddenly there was a blow to my head! I was hit! For a moment I was completely paralized [sic] . . . My hands dropped to the side, my legs dangled inside the fuselage. The worst part was that the blow on the head had affected my optic nerve and I was completely blinded. The machine dived down.8 Richthofen regained part of his eyesight around 2600 feet (800 meters). Though he was able to land his plane, Richthofen had a bullet wound in the head. The wound kept Richthofen away from the front until mid-August and left him with frequent severe headaches. Last Flight As the war progressed, Germanys fate looked bleaker. Richthofen, who had been an energetic fighter pilot early in the war, was becoming increasingly distressed about death and battle. By April 1918, Richthofen, the Red Baron, had long ago proven himself a hero. He had far surpassed Boelckes record for he was nearing his 80th victory. He still had headaches from his wound that bothered him greatly. Though he had grown sullen and slightly depressed, Richthofen still refused his superiors requests for him to retire. On April 21, 1918, the day after he had shot down his 80th enemy aircraft, Manfred von Richthofen climbed into his bright red airplane. Around 10:30 a.m., there had been a telephoned report that several British aircraft were near the front and Richthofen was taking aà groupà up to confront them. The Germans spotted the British planes and a battle ensued. Richthofen noticed a single airplane bolt out of the melee. Richthofen followed him. Inside the British plane sat Canadian Second Lieutenant Wilfred (Wop) May. This was Mays first combat flight and his superior, Canadian Captain Arthur R. Brown, who was also an old friend, ordered him to watch but not participate in the fight. May had followed orders for a little while but then joined in the ruckus. After his guns jammed, May tried to make a dash home. To Richthofen, May looked like an easy kill so he followed him. Captain Brown noticed a bright red plane follow his friend May; Brown decided to break away from the battle and try to help his old friend. May had by now noticed he was being followed and was frightened. He was flying over his own territory but couldnt shake the German fighter. May flew close to the ground, skimming over the trees, then over the Morlancourt Ridge. Richthofen anticipated the move and swung around to cut May off. Death of the Red Baron Brown had now caught up and started firing at Richthofen. And as they passed over the ridge, numerous Australian ground troops fired up at the German plane. Richthofen was hit. Everyone watched as the bright red plane crashed. Once the soldiers who first reached the downed plane realized who its pilot was, they ravaged the plane, taking pieces as souvenirs. Not much was left when others came to determine exactly what happened to the plane and its famous pilot. It was determined that a single bullet had entered through the right side of Richthofens back and exited about two inches higher from his left chest. The bullet killed him instantly. He was 25 years old. There is still a controversy over who was responsible for bringing down the greatà Red Baron. Was it Captain Brown or was it one of the Australian ground troops? The question may never be fully answered. Baron Manfred von Richthofen, the Red Baron, was credited with bringing down 80 enemy aircraft. His prowess in the air made him a hero during World War I and a twentieth-century legend. Sources Burrows, William E.à Richthofen:à A True History of the Red Baron.à New York: Harcourt, Brace World, Inc., 1969.Kilduff, Peter.à Richthofen:à Beyond the Legend of the Red Baron.à New York: John Wiley Sons, Inc., 1993.Richthofen, Manfred Freiherr von.à The Red Baron.à Trans. Peter Kilduff. New York: Doubleday Company, 1969.
Saturday, February 22, 2020
Political Climate in the 1950s Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Political Climate in the 1950s - Essay Example The political scenario suffered in the shape of the communist opposition party dwindling into insignificance. With their downfall, America lost the institutional network that had created a public space where alternatives to the current workings of the government could be presented and be challenged. By late 1950s, thousands of men and women had lost their jobs, hundreds had been deported or sent to prison, and two had been executed. Most, but not all, of these people had once been in or near the American Communist Party. [6] [7] Also the social policy reforms including national insurance policy supported by the leftist also fell apart. McCarthyism further contributed to the attenuation of the reform impulse by diverting the attention of the labor movement, the strongest institution within the left-liberal coalition, from external organizing to internal politicking. [5] [6] America's cultural and intellectual life in the 1950s also suffered from McCarthyism. TV and radio offered a bland menu of quiz shows and Westerns during late 1950s so that no relation could be made to communism and its views. Similarly the film industry cautiously restrained itself from indulging into controversial social or political issues. On the international political front, an opposition to the Cold War had been so thoroughly identified with communism that it was no longer possible to challenge the basic assumptions of American foreign policy without incurring suspicions of disloyalty. [5] [6] What Is Meant By The Term Politics Of Consensus Politics of consensus means common frameworks and policies agreed between all political parties that are adopted by the government. During the years 1945 to 1979, this practice was observed by the government of Britain. The Conservative Party and Labour Party, which were the two major political parties in Britain at that time, were in consensus over certain basic government policies. All the political scientists and media commentators agreed with the policies introduced in the decades after World War II. Changes in the government responsibility such as the welfare state, the National Health Service (NHS), and widespread nationalization of industry, were some of the policies that were agreed unconditionally by both parties. [2] During the late 1970s, the political consensus eventually started to break up. The Conservative Party and the Labour Party were getting at odds over each other. With the sudden rise in oil price in early 1970s, drew a new economic experience of 'stagflation', where high inflation was combined with high unemployment. The Conservative Party challenged the political consensus of the use Keynesian economics by the government. The increasing differences of economic opinion between the two parties finally ended the consensus that was agreed in previous decades. [2] Why Did The Civil Rights Movement Begin In The 1950s After the end of World War II, the blacks (Negro) became increasingly active socially. Discrimination in the military services and in the work force challenged them from getting any important positions. In the South, Blacks had been put to near slavery conditions with the Black Codes and the Jim Crow Laws. As a result many left southern farms for northern cities in search for better jobs. When they found crowded and discriminatory conditions
Thursday, February 6, 2020
Single-sex education Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 1
Single-sex education - Research Paper Example ts have the right to get a good education, the readers can identify the advantages and disadvantages of each system to develop the current education system. Single-sex or gender-separate education relates to education that involves members of the same sex attending the same classes. This may occur in elementary, secondary schools or even in higher education. This is in contrast to the more conventional coeducation style of education where students of both sexes attend the same classes and schools. This single-sex education has been used in so many countries where it is considered as an appropriate style from the view of religion, or cultural tradition. Also, it was a worldwide style of education before the nineteenth century (Wikipedia, n.d.). According to The New York Times magazine, the number of single-sex schools had increased to forty-nine in 2008. In 1995, this number was only two in the whole United States (Silva, 2008). Each student has the right to get better educated and the solution is to have a coeducation system which offers single-sex classrooms to approach the advantages of both. Title IX was the first law that seemed to support the learning of both boys and girls together. It stated that boys and girls should be educated equally and together. Nevertheless, in 2006, the Department of Education removed these boundaries that only supposed on single-sex education. Since then, single-sex schools and classes was split across the country(Stanberry, n.b.). The change to Title IX to allow single-sex education in public schooling provided more choices in the public schools. Parents from then on have variety of options in the public schools for their childrenââ¬â¢s education. For example, Prestige Academy was going to open in 2008 in Wilmington, America for boysââ¬â¢ only public charter school. This was an important step to help black and Latino boys that come from low-income, and scored lower than the average score in most of the schoolââ¬â¢s requested goals
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Organizational Theory and The Heart of Change Essay Example for Free
Organizational Theory and The Heart of Change Essay The book The Heart of Change shows the practical side of the theories that are taught in the course textbook. It presents stories of successes and failures based in the application of concepts discussed in Organizational Behavior and Management and in class. Although we talked about several different concepts the ones that are evident in the examples in The Heart Of Change are the more progressive and individual centered approaches. The leadership characteristics that are important to successful change in an organization are those that are espoused in the transformational theory of management. It makes sense that ideals in line with the transformational management theory would be evident in a book about how to bring about positive change in an organization. Discussion A transformational leader essentially is about growth through change, about challenging the status quo, and staff to grow and perform it is about empowerment and all of those things are important in regards to the approach put forth in The Heart Of Change. A key theme in The Heart Of Change is that change is not brought about by statistical analysis or common sense, but it comes after changing the way that people feel about an issue. It is about connecting with the individual and bringing about an emotive response that motivates a change in behavior. And that is in line with one of the focal traits of a transformational leader. They are visionary leaders who focus who create the mission, focus and goals for the organization. Their approach to leadership is centered around the individual. This is important because for a leader to effectively implement change based The Heart Of Change they would have to be aware of they motivational factors of their employees so they know how do best address the intrinsic needs to change the attitudes of employees. The Heart Of Change shows that change does not happen simply by instituting different systems, but that people are theà force that ultimately determines how well an organization adapts change. That also relates to the leadership style of the transformational leader. They focus on the people as the key elements to bring change to an organization. Group Emotional Intelligence is a topic that we discussed in class that is essential to the type of change discussed in The Heart Of Change. The second stage of change is about putting together a team that is able drive the company towards its specific goal in regards to instituting change. There needs to be a strong force pushing the change and keeping the urgency up. It is understandably to much for on person to handle so there needs to be a team of interested, motivated people to act as that driving force. The three ideas of trust, sense of group identity, and group efficacy are essential to group effectiveness. The group that is at the forefront of the change action in an organization needs to exhibit a high EI. Not only because they need to be efficient, but because they are a model for the rest of the organization. This again relates to the character traits of the transformational leadership theory. Being a role model, showing others behaviors to emulate are what transformational leaders do, and this is what the change guiding group does as described in The Heart Of Change. Empowerment is an issue that is imperative to the change process. We touched on the idea of empowerment while exploring power, and politics in the workplace. Empowerment is important in regards to The Heart Of Change, because it is also about ownership. For change to be effective it takes an entire organization to believe in the change process. Through empowerment of the staff in the change process you are creating a sense of ownership for them in the process of change. Once they feel like they are an important part of the process it creates a sense of pride in their part of the process. In the workplace a sense of pride usually leads to a commitment to excellence in working towards the goals of the organization. Again this is a trait of transformational leadership. Transformational leaders encourage their teams and staff to be innovative, creative and encourage them to take risks. Empowerment is a tool, which is used to elicit the abovementioned traits in the staff, and drives the c hange. Organizational socialization is the way values; abilities, expected behaviors, and social knowledge of a organization are shared. It is based on creating an uniformity in mission, beliefs and actions. Socialization, in regards to the organizational change does not seem that it is an important issue in regards to affecting change in an organization. However, it is an integral part in sustaining any positive gains that have come from organizational change. After any sort of change occurs it must be accompanied with a change in the formal and informal socialization procedures to ensure they reflect the new organizational structure and culture. Effective socialization is imperative to ensure the change is long lasting. Updating Standard Operating Procedures for existing staff, as well as orientation procedures should reinforce the new changes for current staff, and introduce them to the new staff. Changing a system in simple. Sustaining a new culture and behavior in the workplace is difficult. People tend to revert to what is comfortable to them. In organizations that are in the process of implementing change is systems or culture, new people to the organization are the easiest to accept and adapt to the new changes. A new active socialization procedure needs to be adopted to address the veterans in the organization. They are the group that will be more apt to fall into old habits. Communication in the workplace is key to change, and is a theme that is throughout The Heart Of Change. Communication is important throughout several different stages of the change process as described in The Heart Of Change. There is a chapter in The Heart Of Change where they concentrate on communication of the vision and goals to the organization as a whole to motivate the members to buy into the vision. However, communication is very important during the first stage of change. In this stage the message communicated is the catalyst that will inspire the rest of organization to want to change. The communication should be tailored to evoke an emotional response, to motivate staff. The message can be we need to change, but the delivery of the message is has much to do its effectiveness. Also communication is important in the socialization aspect of sustainingà change. Within an organization communication comes in different forms. Procedures and rules are in the employee handbook, emails and memos. The culture of a workplace is transmitted through symbols and actions. The latter of the aforementioned communication is difficult and requires more effort to see that it is carried out in a manner that supports the organizational change. If there is a specific message, and vision that is to resonate with people and motivate them, all the actions of the leaders in the in the organization should reflect the message. Conclusion Change is a difficult process for an individual, but for an organization the difficulty grows exponentially. For an organization to change the actions and culture of everybody within the organization must change as well. There are the logistics involved in changing organizational structure. Then there is the task of changing the behavior of the employees as well. That is where the most obstacles will be found. The Heart Of Change offers a variety of experiences to highlight their theory in regards to the steps of successful change. Rooted in their theory are concepts that were discussed in class. Most of concepts that are evident in the change process theory are progressive and reflect ideas indicative of transformational leadership theory. The Heart Of Change has brought the individual concepts together and shown how they can work together to affect successful change in an organization. Reading The Heart Of Change shows how the powerful and effective the ideas that we learned about are, and how they can benefit us as we take leadership positions in our organizations.
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